The Universe is incomprehensibly vast, a profound mystery, it challenges our understanding at every level. Are we alone, or is life a common phenomenon? Philosophers, theologians, and scientists alike grapple with these questions, exploring a spectrum of perspectives.
While looking at billions of Jurassic boulders along the coast of Llantwit Major, South Wales, the perfect shot eluded me. It was clear that there were photographs to be made here—but how? I sat for hours contemplating the endless expanse of grey, scattered boulders. The light shifted, the tide receded, people came and went, but the rocks remained silent; I couldn’t see the photograph.
About to concede, my own 'big bang theory' took shape. I realised that these seemingly infinite and randomly dispersed rocks could have an affinity with the Universe. By seeing the Universe as akin to atoms on Earth invites the idea that we are part of something infinite. It also raises questions about our place in the grand scheme—are we merely part of an 'atom' within a much larger 'cosmic organism'? With this new perspective, I approached the scene with fresh eyes.
Later, with a little intervention and a subsequent trip to capture the three billion-year-old pink rocks of Perros-Guirec in Brittany, these divergent cosmic worlds came together. The resulting work serves as a tribute to the interconnectedness of our planet and the vast Universe it inhabits
In contemplating the Universe, one is reminded of Earth’s fragile balance that sustains life. While the cosmos may feel eternal, our planet faces urgent environmental challenges. Protecting this delicate harmony requires urgent action to preserve the only home we know.
Universe A  The background Photograph of this composite image was a taken at a coastal site in Wales, UK, showing many Jurassic rocks.  Over the boulders are three spherical images representing planets. The background is a neutral bluish while the 'planets' are in shades of red blue and green. By seeing the Universe as akin to atoms on Earth invites the idea that we are part of something infinite.
Universe B The background Photograph of this composite image was a taken at a coastal site in Brittany, France, showing many red Jurassic rocks. Floating above the boulders two spherical images represent planets. The whole image is in hues of red and gold. By seeing the Universe as akin to atoms on Earth invites the idea that we are part of something infinite.
Universe C The background photograph of this composite image was a taken at a coastal site in Wales, UK, showing a grey base Jurassic rock formation. Floating above are six spherical images that represent planets. The background has a zoom lens effect giving the impresion that the planets are being ‘sucked’ towards a black hole.
Universe D The background photograph of this composite image was a taken at a coastal site in Wales, UK, showing an grey base Jurassic rock formation with millions of scattered boulders reaching from the foreground to the horizon. sitting on the Jurassic base rock are six spherical images that represent planets. the planets from an arrow shape from top right to to bottom left.